To prevent further spread of Coronavirus, all the festivals in the month of August, including Ganesh Mahotsav have been banned by the Government, as stated by the State Home Minister Pradipsinh Jadeja during his presence at the 71st Forest Festival Program at Karjan. He also visited Vadodara later and added that a notification in this regard will be issued soon. Ganesh Mandals, Padayatra Mandals, Muslim organizations from all over Gujarat submitted a request to the government to not celebrate all the big and small festivals of the August month including Ganesh festival and Tajia procession in the coming days. The state government felt that gathering at festival will increase the transmission of the virus. Therefore, it has been decided to ban these festivals. Pradipsinh Jadeja said that the mandals and families who want to install the idols of Ganesha should do it in their own house and immerse it at home too. No procession of any kind will be allowed including Tajia procession. Furt