SOG Police Constable, Ashok Kallapana received a tip about Vinod Jani and Ravi Joshi from Mahuva Taluka. The duo thugs it's customers by luring them in the name of getting rid of their problems related to property and family with Divya Raksha Yantra. Both of them were standing near Agrasen guest house at Jetalpur road in an Innova. Based on this information, the team laid a trap and sent a dummy customer to strike a deal with the thugs. The deal was closed for 5 lakhs and after the signal, the SOG team caught both the accused with items worth around Rs.10 lakhs. The accused are habitual offenders and were earlier involved in the same offense to cheat people. As per SOG, 20 days ago the duo cheated Arvind Patel and his family for 17.40 lakhs after their earning their confidence to help them get rid of their property disputes. They have been booked under various offenses and a case was registered in Gotri Police Station. SOG team requested people to contact them in case they were chea