The Project Yoga Prahari was started by District Superintendent of Police Divya Mishra from May 2020 as a part of an innovative experiment to increase the immunity of the officers and employees of the Kheda District Police Team and to fight against the COVID-19. Four phases have been successfully completed by the team. Considering the success of Project Yogaprahari, Project Yogaprahari-5 is being launched for a further 100 days from 7th September to 15th December 2020. In Project Yogaprahari phase 1, a total of 36 officers of the Kheda District Police enthusiastically participated in the 21-day challenge in the month of May and four officers completed the challenge successfully, while 75% were successful in doing Pranayama. Then a 30-day project was implemented in June and a total of 540 police personnel participated and 17 officers completed the challenge. Project Yogaprahari-3 was started in the month of July for 31 days and a total of 721 police officers voluntarily join