Locals went into arguments with police over the action at Nyaymandir area in Vadodara SUB Police went to close the food joints opened after a decided time limit The government has been vigilant to prevent further spread of the coronavirus and trade has been allowed as per certain strict rules to follow. But some areas of Vadodara city are still being kept open till late at night and openly violating these rules. In one such incident residents of Dudhwala mohalla obstructed the police operation as a team from Raopura police station went to close the Lari Galla around the Nyaymandir area of the city. Some antisocial elements even challenged the police operation. In some areas of Vadodara city including Nyay Mandir, Machhipeeth, Yakutpura, and railway station, anti-social elements are frequent near the food joints and carts which are open till late at night. As per law in view of the Coronavirus pandemic, no food joints are allowed to operate past 11 pm. However many areas are