The two persons who had fired at the woman in Yakutpura in broad daylight have been nabbed from Ahmedabad under 36 hours. The two accused are a 50-year-old Moin Abdulrehman Sheikh who stays in Tandalja and a 34-year-old Amjadshah Adamshah Diwan, who stays in Yakutpura, but is originally from Indore, Madhya Pradesh. They have been booked under the IPC section of 114, 379,406, 420, 465, 467, 468,471 amongst other sections. The police investigation has revealed that the young brother (Moin) of the husband planned to kill his sister-in-law (Amina) with the help of his friend in a property dispute. The accused had site recced the area for a few days in an auto-rickshaw and had devised a plan to kill her. On Tuesday afternoon i.e, 8th September, the accused arrived at the house under the pretext of giving an invitation card and Moin fired a round of bullet at the woman, Amina Sheikh, who was hit on the right side of her chest. He was about to fire a second round of bullet, but he fled fro