After the approval of agricultural bills by the BJP government at the Center, on Tuesday, Vadodara Youth Congress burnt all the three anti-agriculture bills in protest at the Collectorate and gave a memorandum to the District Collector, with a demand to withdraw the agriculture bill. Hence the demand for an immediate withdrawal of bills. Youth Congress activists joined the program and raised anti-government slogans at the collectorate. City Youth Congress President, Ashfaq Malek said that the protest was staged by the Youth Congress in protest of the agriculture bill passed by the BJP government at the Center. The bills are not in the interest of farmers, but to push them back to the brink of death. Youth Congress Activists joined the program and raised anti-government slogans. On the other hand, City Congress President Prashant Patel and Leader of Opposition Chandrakant Srivastava led an awareness campaign and a survey by Congress Workers at all 34 health centers in Vadodara. They