Total 5,547 tickets including e-tickets as well as journey- cum -reservation tickets amounting to an approximate of Rs 87.55 lakh were seized by the Railway Protection Force of Western Railway against the touts for the period from July to September, 2020. Total 315 persons were arrested in 298 cases during these special drives. According to a press release issued by WR CPRO Sumit Thakur, during last year in the similar period from July to September, total 2,099 tickets including E-tickets amounting to an approximate of Rs 50.16 lakh were seized and 171 persons were arrested in 146 cases. Therefore, in comparison to last year, the number of cases are more than double alongwith notable increase in number of arrested persons, number of seized tickets & value of e-tickets. It was observed during Special drives that touts were indulging in booking of e-tickets through use of Real Mango software. These special drives were conducted for the period from July to September, 2020. After g