The Crime Investigation Department (CID) team with the help of the Vadodara Fire Brigade team began a search operation inside the Narmada Canal passing from Chhani in the custodial death of Babu Sheikh. According to the details, the six accused policemen were not cooperating with the investigation during their remand period and CID failed to extract any details about where the body of Babu Sheikh was dumped. CID belived that the body might have been dumped in the canal. The fire brigade started the search from Tuesday morning. In order to complete the operation smoothly, the water supply will also be kept on hold. "With prior permission, the fire brigade team and SDRF is assisting the CID team in search for the body in the custodial death matter. The whole canal from Chhani to Sevasi will be searched in nearly 12 hours of operation. We are using heavy machinery and ultra-modern equipment in searching the body and hopefully be able to help the investigating team with strong evidence i