The celebration of the 145th birth anniversary of Iron Man Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel can be seen across the nation. Respect was also paid by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the great leader at Kevadia Statue of Unity and also unveiled tourist projects prepared at a cost of crores of rupees. Whereas, in Vadodara, the administration seems to be not taking care of the bust of Sardar Patel which lied in a dilapidated state just outside the Harni Talati office. Today, social worker Atul Gamechi and members of his team along with Harni village leaders visited the dilapidated bust of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel installed at Harni Talati's office compound. To pay respect to the great leader on his anniversary the statue was wiped clean with milk and water. Slogans regarding demand of the renovation of the statue were also chanted by him. The program which was organized by activist Atul Gamechi's team at Harni Talati office was witnessed by a large number of villagers. They were also angry with th