Vadodara District Police arrested one with a mouser from near Kundhela village in Dabhoi Taluka. The team interrogated the person on suspicion who was passing near Narmada Canal and found a country-made pistol from him. In view of the upcoming festivals and by-elections district, the police SOG team was on patrol. Meanwhile, information about one person moving suspiciously with a mouser near the minor canal passing through Kundhela village at Dabhoi was received by them. On the basis of that information, the team caught him with the weapon and registered a case against him. According to police sources, during the election and upcoming Diwali festival, the city district police teams will conduct strict checking to prevent any untoward incidents, illegal activities by anti-social elements. At various places in the city and district, intensive patrolling has been stepped up by the police. It was during patrolling, that at the Dabhoi taluka area the SOG team received information about th