The Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) is currently in the process of delivering various information to the Corporators through the secretary in person. From tomorrow everyone can now get information through the mobile application. The 'Secretary App' is being launched tomorrow by Mayor, Dr. Jigishaben Sheth along with various development works of Vadodara city. Mayor Dr. Jigishaben Seth will inaugurate various programs, in which a new Urban Health Center constructed at a cost of Rs. 1.35 crore at FP 747 Kishanwadi of TP 5 in East Zone will be inaugurated. The sales document will be submitted to the beneficiaries of Dharampura Plinth. In addition, a Secretary app will be launched for municipal corporators to prioritize digitalization under the Digital India program. All the programs will be held tomorrow at 11:00 am in the Standing Committee Room at Khanderao Market. The Secretary App has been launched so that the Corporators of VMC can get all kinds of information on their mobile