People are being caught by the police every day playing online cricket betting through mobiles. The PCB team arrested a youth who was playing online cricket betting in the Sayajiganj area. However in-depth investigation by the police into his mobile revealed the fake mark sheet scam of Maharashtra and Rajasthan. The PCB team arrested Adil Majarbhai Chinwala for playing online cricket in the Sayajiganj area of the city on 25th October. The Police seized Adil's mobile phone, and while checking, the team found pictures of the mark sheet of the 12th standard of Maharashtra Board of Secondary Education and certificates. So the police interrogated Adil in this case and the scam of making duplicate mark sheet came to light. During questioning, Adil confessed to receiving the pictures from his friend Noel alias Naval Sarjubhai Perera. So police raided the house of Noel alias Naval and found three laminated mark sheets of Maharashtra Board of Secondary Education from the house. When questi