A covid patient has to stay alone in the hospital during treatment. Due to the contagious nature of the disease, relatives cannot stay with the patient for their care and the hospital staff is the only one caring for them. In such a situation it is natural for the patient to feel lonely and anxious for his family and friends. As a solution, with the help of the control room of the Covid facility of Sayaji Hospital, the relatives of the patients have been given a special facility to talk to the family members under treatment through video or audio call. Special 12 to 13 smart mobile sets are also provided for this purpose where the relatives get to know the treatment as well as other details of the patients. As per details given by Administrative Nodal Officer, Dr. O.B. Belim- from August to the beginning of November, a total of 12,176 video and audio calls have been made by the control room and help-desk to make a significant contribution in establishing a bridge of communication bet