A huge quantity of foreign liquor was caught by the Vadodara district Local Crime Branch (LCB) team which was being brought in a car to Vadodara. During police patrolling, they were caught by the team and after that, the team chased the car. Police arrested three along with liquor worth 2.73 lakhs from them. PI of District Local Crime Branch D.B. Vala said to curb alcohol activities in the district, the LCB team was in patrolling at Dabhoi Bodeli road and were checking every passing vehicle on the road. This was done, as per the instructions given by the district police chief. The information regarding a blue car which had left from Chhotaudepur for Vadodara was received by the checking staff. The information was about the foreign liquor that was being carried in that car. The team tried to stop the car on the basis of that information, near Gopalpura village. However, the driver did not stop the car and sped away. The police team chased the car and caught it near Dipapura village.