Rural areas of Vadodara taluka were visited by Vadodara District Collector Shalini Agarwal. She inspected the intensive health work being carried out at the Primary Health Center, by the Dhanvantari health raths and by the door-to-door survey teams to prevent covid infection. She had earlier sought public opinion on the performance of health teams along with taking care of the villagers who have been released from Corona and applauded the health workers for positive public opinion. She is particularly interested in pregnant women physicians and called ANM sisters duty as motivational and applauded them. Chief District Health Officer Dr. Uday Tilawat accompanied her during the visit. Sampling procedure for rapid antigen test was also inspected during the visit to Bhayali Primary Health Center. Instructions regarding RTPCR test for people who tested negative and however showed symptoms were given by her. At present 100 to 120 people are provided with necessary health services per day by