In various places in Ankodia village, a network of 26 CCTV cameras has been set up by the Gram Panchayat. This has been done to take care of security and vigilance against theft. But now the same setup helps them to keep a watch on violations of Covid guidelines. During the Corona period, the Village Sarpanch and the Panchayat started using this network to ensure compliance with the guidelines by the villagers including wearing a mask. In many villages of the state, such a network is established. For corona surveillance, Ankodia has charted a new direction of its use. Expressing the feeling that their CCTV camera network has been a blessing in disguise, the village sarpanch said, their original intention was to keep an eye on incidents like theft. Now in such a situation, this facility is used by them to keep an eye on those who violate social distancing and other rules. For the first time if someone is found without the mask then they are warned and fined if it is repeated.