A strange case was reported of a person letting his pet dog chase away children playing near his house to scare them away came to light in the Navapura area of Vadodara city. The residents have given a written complaint in the local police station against him for creating an atmosphere of fear amongst the kids and their parents. As per the complaint a man named Kedar Otia, who lives in the Navapura area, used to stop children from playing around his house. He let his pet dog run behind them in an attempt to scare them away from there. This incident caused panic amongst the children as they narrated the whole incident to their parents. Parents were worried about their children being chased by a dog and decided to take an action. Women from the area reached the Navapura Police Station and gave a written complaint against the man and his sons. They demanded action to be taken against Kedar Otia. Navapura Police have obtained the CCTV footage and have initiated proceedings against the do