An alarm that went off in Delhi saved gold worth Rs 20 crore which was kept inside the Muthoot Finance branch near Maneja crossing in Vadodara. The robbers tried to break the shutter and as a result, the sensor in the window became active and alerted the office in Delhi. An employee immediately rushed to the spot after the message which made the robbers flee from the spot. A similar attempt was made to rob Ajwa Road Muthoot Finance Branch in October 2018. The robbers broke in and looted customers' mobiles, however, they escaped after the siren blew. Suketu Joshi, Branch Head, Muthoot Finance, said in his complaint that they have an operating branch at Sai Samarth Complex near Maneja Crossing since 2010. The branch has an internal digital security system and after office hours the sensor detects any movement and an alarm went off at the head office in Delhi. He received a call from the vigilance desk about the alarm that rang due to movement near the sensor at the branch nearby the Ma