The SOG team of Vadodara Rural Police had received information that two persons were coming from the opposite bank of Mahisagar river by a boat carrying explosives. Following these details, a watch was set on the riverbank last night. During the watch, two persons were spotted and cordoned off by the police as they got out of the canoe and headed towards Lanchanpur.
However, the youths tried to flee after seeing the police. The team waiting there chased and caught Pravin Budhabhai Zala, 38, of Sundalpura, Umreth in Anand. While his accomplice Gabo Thakor managed to escape from there. Police found four detonators and 10 pieces of explosive gelatin in Praveen Jhala's body and bag. In the preliminary interrogation, the team got to know that Praveen and Gabo took advantage of the fact that no one was present on the riverbank late at night, and with the help of detonators they can kill thousands of fish at once and fishing without throwing nets.
Author-Shlok Talati