Vadodara Congress on Thursday gave notice to the police officer to suspend the PSI blamed for attacking, Ex-Member of Parliament Satyajitsinh Gaekwad. According to the information given by Satyajitsinh Gaekwad, the city police caught his sister for not wearing the mask. She was close to Baggikhana around 100 meters from his home on Wednesday night. As she did not have money, he arrived at the spot and approached the police to pay the fine. Gaekwad requested the receipt and that lead to an argument. Gaekwad has claimed that the PSI had attacked him. Gaekwad likewise has put charges on the police for threatening him. Gaekwad has demanded strict action against the PSI, and he requested the Police Commissioner to counsel the PSI. On Thursday Congress President Prashant Patel, head of opposition Chandrakant Shrivastav, Satyajitsinh Gaekwad, Narendra Rawat senior pioneers, and supporters arrived at Police Bhavan to oppose the incident and demanded strict action against the PSI. They give