A group of Vadodara Rural LCB Police recovered IMFL covered up inside a tempo from close to Jarod bus stand and arrested two in this issue. They pronounced one as needed who has sent the consignment. During the raid, police held onto 1464 bottles of alcohol worth Rs 1.68 lakh, vehicles, cell phones from the spot. During patrolling the team of Vadodara Rural Local Crime Branch Police got the lead about tempo loaded with IMFL was going towards Vadodara from Halol. Accordingly, the police had set a watch close to Jarod's bus stand, halted the vehicle, and during the inquiry discovered foreign alcohol covered up under the sheets at the back. Police started an interrogation about the alcohol and delivery place, after arresting Kailash, a resident of Chittorgarh, and Vipul, a resident of Banswada from Rajasthan. Police have announced one from Rajasthan as wanted after they admitted that the alcohol was sent by a man named Vijesh from Rajasthan during the initial investigation. At the back