On Tuesday Vadodara district health system had arranged a mock exercise called dry run. It was held at 5 spots under the direction of the District Collector. This run is going to be part of the pre-preparation done for the real Covid-19 vaccination. This is done to check the readiness of the system as per the prescribed protocols. In coordination with the government and private medical institutes, the vaccination process will be completed. This dummy practice will happen in both the institutes to provide a clear understanding of its health workers regarding their roles and duties. The whole arrangement is been done as per the prescribed protocols by the government of India. The dry run organized at the SSG hospital to check the preparedness of the teams during the vaccination drive. Organized by the VMC health department around 25 beneficiaries took part in the dry run to give a clear picture of the readiness and perfect the loopholes. First, the beneficiaries have to sit in the wai