Indian Air Force and Institute of Defence Studies and Research (IDSR), an autonomous Institution of Gujarat University under the patronage of the Government of Gujarat signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 29th December 2020. The MoU will enable Officers of IAF to undertake Doctoral Research, Post-Graduate Programme, and Post Graduate Diploma covering various areas of interest that includes Defence Studies, Defence Management, National Security, Aerospace & Aviation Science and other areas of Defence Technology. The event held on a virtual platform was chaired by Air Officer-in-Charge Personnel, Air Marshal RJ Duckworth VSM. MoU was signed by Air Vice-Marshal Rajeev Sharma, Assistant Chief of Air Staff (Education), and Anju Sharma, IAS, Principal Secretary (Higher & Technical Education) to Government of Gujarat and Chairperson-IDSR. Prof Himanshu A Pandya, Vice-Chancellor of Gujarat University, and Director-General IDSR were also present on the occasion. As part of Pr