Under the guidance of the Vadodara District Collector, government community health centers with oxygen facilities were started at taluka level as part of an initiative. At Dabhoi CHC, 87 patients benefitted from the service. On April 21st, Medical Superintendent Dr. Ajay Singh and his team started the corona treatment services. He said that as of May 26th, 129 patients had been admitted out of which 87 patients got full health benefits. 41 patients who needed intensive treatment were sent to the District Hospital. While one patient died during treatment. Currently, two patients are receiving oxygen treatment. Singh said, a total of 442 oxygen cylinders had been used to treat the patients and 85 people needed oxygen treatment. For the first time in history, such a large-scale oxygen treatment was arranged in the taluka level health center in collaboration with the state government and the district administration. He said that at the request of the District Collector, the administrati