The samples sent to Bhopal after crows died under mysterious circumstances in Vasantpura village in Savli taluka of Vadodara district tested positive for bird flu. Following this, the team of the Animal Husbandry Department has started taking precautionary steps and the Animal Husbandry Department also held a meeting with the Collector. About 30 crows mysteriously died in Vasantpura village of Savli taluka on Thursday evening. The incident caused panic in the village as the people thought the birds might have died of bird flu. The villagers collected the crows and buried them in a pit filled with salt. A team from the Animal Husbandry Department reached the spot and took samples of the dead crows and sent them to Bhopal for investigation. The reports confirmed as bird flu. Vadodara District Deputy Director of Animal Husbandry Dr. Prakash Darji said that about 30 crows were killed near Verai Mata temple in Vasantpura village of Vadodara district. Samples of dead crows were taken by th