Ahmedabad Crime Branch along with PI Ajay Desai has reached his Karjan-based home for the reconstruction of the 'Sweety Patel murder case'. The team along with the PI reconstructed the series of events that led to the murder of Sweety Patel and how the body was taken away by putting it in the car. The team also checked for bloodstains in the bathroom of the house. Earlier, police produced PI Ajay Desai and his friend Kirit Singh Jadeja in court on Monday evening seeking a 14-day remand and the court granted them an 11-day remand. Police suspect that the murder was a premeditated conspiracy as the PI had talked to Kirit Singh and lied to him that he wanted to dispose of his sister's body who was pregnant and unmarried. The question of the 5 piles of wood at the back of the hotel and how the corpse was burned has become important for the police. Whether Kirit Singh Jadeja still has important information about the murder, has become the subject of investigation. An inquiry has been lau