VMC declared that 18,165 people got vaccinated on Thursday, achieving a new feat in the number of vaccinations in a day in the city. As per the ongoing vaccination rate, the city administration will take approximately one month and twenty days to administer the first dose of the vaccine to the entire adult population of Vadodara. The VMC data revealed that, since the drive's inception on May 1, a total of 1,61,784 people in the age group of 18-44 had been vaccinated until May 26. Categorized into various age groups, VMC also puts out a daily count of the vaccines administered. As per the notification on May 27, 3,112 people other than 18-45-year-olds also got vaccinated on the previous day. VMC's medical officer Dr. Devesh Patel, said, "The number of available slots for 18-44-year-olds in the city, stands at 20,000 every day." The number of registered voters in Vadodara for the general elections of 2019 stood at 17,94,896. Out of this, 1,74,673 people had received the second dose, an