Vadodara Special Operation Group arrested one for selling banned Chinese thread in view of the upcoming Uttarayan festival. The team seized 245 reels worth around 73,500 rupees from the accused and further investigated the matter. In view of life-threatening incidents during Uttarayan the Vadodara city and district, police have put a ban on the sale of Chinese strings. But to earn quick money people are selling the items freely and putting other's lives in danger. Police have launched a special drive to catch people involved in selling banned Chinese thread ahead of the festival. During such a drive the SOG team while patrolling at the Dabhoi police jurisdiction received information about one person selling the Chinese string in an open plot near Madina Park society on Bodeli road from Dabhoi Timbi crossing. Based on that, the team raided the spot and arrested Sohil Abdulbhai Sheikh with 245 reels worth around 73,500. The team booked him for violation of notification issued by the d