On 16th January 2021, SOG Head Constable Manojbhai Somabhai got the information from a personal informant that, Purvi Rana residing at Karelibaug is into selling white powder and drug syringes to consumers. She kept the drugs in her house inside a vault. Based on the information the SOG team raided the place and found Purvi Rana and Imtiyaz Diwan present at the house. The team found drugs from their possession and also from inside the vault along with Pentazocine Injections. An offense has been registered in Karelibaug Post Office under The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 and an in-depth investigation into the drug network is underway. The arrested accused Imtiaz Diwan has been involved in drug trafficking for the last three years and has been booked for smuggling methamphetamine injections as well as pentazocine injections in 2018. Wanted accused Safi Diwan kept the drugs for sale purpose with Purvi Rana and she sold them with a commission to accused Imtiaz Diw