Prime Minister, Narendra Modi flagged off eight trains connecting different regions of the country to Kevadia in Gujarat on Sunday through video conferencing. These trains will facilitate seamless connectivity to the Statue of Unity. The Prime Minister also inaugurated the Dabhoi – Chandod Gauge converted Broad Gauge railway line, Chandod – Kevadiya new Broad Gauge railway line, newly electrified Pratapnagar – Kevadiya section, and the new station buildings of Dabhoi, Chandod, and Kevadiya. Chief Minister of Gujarat and Union Railways Minister were present on the occasion. For the first time in the history of Railways, trains have been flagged off for the same destinations from different corners of the country. One of the Kevadiya bound trains is originating from Puruchi Thaliaivar Dr. MG Ramachandran Central Railway Station, the Prime Minister paid tribute to Bharat Ratan MGR on his Birth Anniversary. He praised his accomplishments on the film screens and political platforms. He no