On 17th January 2021, the world's tallest statue – THE STATUE OF UNITY of Iron Man Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel at Kevadiya came on Indian Railway's map. The region is now connected to the rest of India after eight new trains were flagged off by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. On this occasion, PM inaugurated the Dabhoi – Chandod Gauge converted Broad Gauge rail line (18 km), new Broad Gauge railway line from Chandod to Kevadiya (32 km), Newly electrified Pratapnagar – Kevadiya section (80 km), the new station buildings of Dabhoi Jn., Chandod & Kevadiya and flagged off 8 new trains from various destinations to Kevadiya through video conferencing. With this marvelous milestone, seamless connectivity by rail has been provided to pilgrims, passengers & tourists alike from different parts of the country visiting the various holy places nestled on the banks of Holy River Narmada as well other places of interest in the vicinity of the Statue of Unity. According to a press release issued