Deputy Chief Minister will hoist the National flag at railway police parade ground on 72nd Republic Day. The rehearsal was held in the presence of Additional District Magistrate D.R. Patel and Province Officer Vijay Patni. The main flag hoisting ceremony of the 72nd Republic Day has been organized by the Vadodara District Administration on Tuesday 26th January at the Western Railway Police Parade Ground behind Kuber Bhavan. On this occasion, Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel will hoist the National flag at 9 am. He will inspect the parade after the flag hoisting and the program will conclude with tree planting by dignitaries. The invitees are requested to adhere to the Covid Guidelines, including masks and social distances. It is to be mentioned that a full dress rehearsal of this program was held on Monday. Additional District Magistrate D.R. Patel, Provincial Officer Vijay Patni, and heads and staff of various offices were present during the rehearsal.