For the convenience of passengers, Western Railway has decided to run special MEMU trains between Vadodara-Surat and Valsad-Umargam. The Vadodara Surat MEMU service will continue from 9 February 2021 until further notice. This train will be fully reserved. Train number 09156 Vadodara-Surat Memu special will depart from Vadodara at 05.50 hrs and reach Surat at 09.15 hrs. Similarly, Train No. 09155 Surat-Vadodara Memu Special will leave Surat at 17.38 hrs and reach Vadodara at 21.20 hrs. The train will run in both directions at Vishwamitri, Makarpura, Varnama, Itola, Kashipura Sarar, Miyagam Curzon, Lakodra, Palej, Veredia, Nabipur, Chavaj, Bharuch, Ankleshwar, Panoli, Hathuran, Kosamba, Kim, Kudsad, Sion, Gothangam and will stop at landing stations. This memo contains a total of 12 coaches. Valsad - Umargaon Road Memu Special (Daily) The MEMU service will continue from February 9, 2021, until further notice. This train will be fully reserved. Train No. 09154 Valsad - Umargaon Marg M