Elections for Vadodara Municipal Corporation are to be held in the coming days and the police are already working on eradicating alcohol and gambling activity. Meanwhile, the crime branch police had received information that Mahavirbhai Jaywantbhai Parvadia, the manager of Shakti Hotel, was running a gambling racket on the fourth floor of the Dwarkesh building on the highway near Kapurai Chokdi. The police raided the place and caught Brijlal Madanbhai Patel, Mit Shirishbhai Patel, Chandreshbhai Kanabhai Makwana, Ghanshyambhai Mahadevbhai Bhadaliya, Kishore Dharamdas Patel, Jaywantbhai Bhikhabhai Parvadiya, Mahavir Bhai Raghubhai Dabhi for gambling. During the raid, police seized Rs 1.37 lakh in cash, six mobile phones, and four bikes, a total worth of Rs 3.33 lakhs. Police have registered a case under the Gambling Act. In another incident, a team of Vadodara city PCB police got information that Prashant alias Bunty was playing an illegal gambling game on his mobile phone near Concor