All four pro-BJP candidates have emerged victorious in today's election for four seats in the teacher's category of the important Maharaja Sayajirao University syndicate. Voting was held by members of the Senate today from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m followed by the counting of votes. The candidates distributed sweets and celebrated the win with heavy fireworks at the head office. Elections are held every 3 years for 15 seats of the important syndicate of MS University. Out of a total of 15 seats in various categories of the syndicate held from 2021 to 2024, 10 were declared uncontested just before the election. A total of 5 candidates for the Teacher's category, Dr. Nikul Patel, Chetan Somani, Dr. Vijay Singh Rathore, Dr. Dilip Kataria, and Minesh Shah filed nomination papers. Syndicate members declared uncontested without elections, also made strenuous efforts to make the four seats in the teacher's category uncontested. But, Dr. Nikul Patel did not withdraw his candidature. As a result, elec