Vadodara Police during a watch received information about Rakesh Bhagwandas Mirchandani involved in selling fake negative RT-PCR reports without taking any covid 19 samples. Based on that the team sent a dummy customer and arrested him under various sections of IPC and Epidemic Act section 3. He will be arrested after the covid 19 test. About the Modus Operandi, the accused is associated with the travel business and takes passengers to other states frequently. To stop the transition of the corona, state governments have issued guidelines for passengers to present negative RT-PCR reports at the border. The accused had to present the negative reports for himself and passengers at the borders. He first prepared a fake report of himself through PDF software successfully crossed to another state. He started a business to provide negative fake RT-PCR reports to passengers and also prepared Corona positive reports for company employees to get extra relief, leave and mediclaim. He cheats peop