A young girl who was studying in the first year in forensics and staying in a hostel at Parul University near Vadodara committed suicide in a reputed Aditi Hotel in the Sayajiganj area of Vadodara. Her father, who rushed to Vadodara after learning of his daughter's suicide, questioned the administrators of the university hostel for their negligence in allowing her to go outside. He demanded a judicial inquiry into her suicide. The father of the deceased, a retired Army jawan said that she was good in her studies and her offline examination was currently underway. She was staying at the University Hostel and at the time of admission, the authorities clearly mentioned that the students will need guardians' permission to go out from the premises. He pointed out that how could his daughter be allowed to leave without the guardian's approval and that needs to be investigated. The girl who committed suicide, spoke to her mother on phone at 7 am the same day. She also took blessings for pa