The body of a young man who went missing two days ago was found in a lake near Vasana Shri Krishna Vidyalaya in Vadodara city this morning. On the other hand, a person jumped in Mahisagar from the Umeta bridge. Another person also jumped into the Mahisagar river from the Fajalpur Vasad bridge. The Vadodara Fire Brigade is searching for the two missing persons in the Mahisagar river. According to the information received from the fire brigade, Vijay Jesing Solanki, a resident of the Vasana village area, drowned in the lake of Vasana village near Shri Krishna Vidyalaya in the city two days ago. The incident was reported to the fire brigade and a search was launched. Meanwhile, the body was recovered from the lake this morning by the team and was handed over to the police. Police have registered a case of accidental death in the matter and are further investigating. Meanwhile, a fire brigade team rushed to the spot with a rubber boat this morning after they were informed that a man had