Dr. Anupama Kumari used to work as an ICU head of the COVID department for 10 months in Maulana Azad Medical College, Lok Nayak Hospital, New Delhi during the Coronavirus-induced pandemic. She was one of the women achievers who was felicitated with an award by the Deepak Foundation in Vadodara. Six other women achievers were felicitated too by Deepak Foundation as they celebrated International Women's Day, with the theme, Celebrating Women: The Strength Within. They felicitated them for empowered others to stay strong and chase their dreams. Deepak Foundation celebrated Internation Women's Day with the theme of Celebrating Women; The Strength Within. Six other women were felicitated with awards for empowering others to stay strong and for continuing to chase their dreams. 14 Social Change Makers were awarded in the 2nd Smt Kantaben Mehta memorial award. The awards were presented to 7 external nominees, Mira Erda- Rallyist, Kanan Solanki- Nurse, Meena Sharma- Roti Bank, Dr. Anupama K