Vadodara Sama police have nabbed two astrologers from Rajasthan in connection with the mass suicide case at Swati Society in Vadodara's Sama area. Both were sent to SSG hospital for a Covid test and will be arrested by the police after the reports. Both the astrologers are said to be residents of Nagaur in Rajasthan. Following the sensational incident, Sama Police conducted their search to form different teams to catch the astrologers. Finally, the team nabbed two astrologers from Rajasthan and took them to Sayaji Hospital late on Thursday night for the Covid test as per the procedure. Both will be arrested after the report. Police had registered a complaint of cheating and fraud against nine astrologers, including two from Vadodara, in the Soni family's mass suicide case in Vadodara. These astrologers from Vadodara and Ahmedabad cheated Narendra Soni by taking Rs 32.85 lakh from him, tempting him to have a kalash full of gold jewelry at home. Narendra Soni told the family members wh