Vadodara City Congress former President Prashant Patel said that they had gathered today to raise the grievances of people and an application was handed over to the Collector on issues including the black market of Remdesivir injection. Recently people have been suffering a lot to get injections and the administration is also not releasing the actual COVID-19 statistics. They also put allegations on authorities for various matters and raised questions about why the government is silent on the issue of inconvenience to the people. Councillor Ami Rawat said that the Covid centers should be set up by the corporation in government places instead of private ones. High Court has filed a Suo Motu case against the government which proves the failure of the government. In the Corona pandemic, patients and relatives stand in line for all services. If it is not possible to provide full facilities to the people, then an all-party meeting should be called and a definite strategy should be decided.