Vadodara District Collector Shalini Agarwal visited Padra on Monday and consulted with various people to enhance the facilities of Covid treatment. She had discussions with the Managing Doctors of private hospitals, Province Officers, Mamlatdars, Taluka Development Officers, Taluka Health Officers about increasing the facilities in view of the inflow of patients. She visited Padra covid hospital and directed to make necessary arrangements to increase the existing 230-bed facility to a total of 280 beds. She also gave instructions to make necessary arrangements for setting up Covid Care Center with a new 30-bed facility. The Collector also requested to build a pool of facilities of the doctors, staff, and equipment of these hospitals and use it for the services of Covid Care Center hospital. She also said that Joint Enforcement Teams (JET) of the municipality and taluka administration as well as the police have been formed to ensure strict adherence to the rules of masks and social d