Officer on Special Duty and Education Secretary Dr. Vinod Rao selected Bharti Sanadia, Principal of Government Nursing College, Vadodara was appointed as Nodal Officer for Pooling, Training, and Deployment of all 2nd Year and 3rd Year Nursing Students of all Government and Private Nursing Colleges. This was a very important task in terms of managing the human resources required for the capacity of the beds being increased for covid treatment. Bharti Sanadia has very skillfully selected 1,700 Nursing Assistants from 15 government and private colleges in less than 24 hours. Not only that she has fulfilled the extensive responsibilities like training of these people in Gotri and Sayaji Hospitals as well as the entire process like an appointment, allocation, classification for duty, and rotation very quickly. In less than 24 hours after the meeting on Monday, 1,700 Nursing Sahayaks have been identified across 15 Government and Private Nursing Colleges to get the training on Tuesday. Aft