Unironically, BJP leaders hold 'Asthi' of people who lost their lives which they could have saved. A dearth of oxygen cylinders, lack of hospital beds, an array of ambulances lined up outside civil hospitals, a queue to cremate the bodies, and five bodies burning on one pyre. As these visuals ran on news channels, BJP leaders and members held a photo-op while holding the 'Asthi' of the deceased who passed away due to COVID in Vadodara. The media persons were notified beforehand, the 'Asthi' remains of multiple people were placed neatly on a table, BJP members stood behind them and waited for the cameras to flash. With three mics closing in on their face at the Khaswadi cremation ground, one of the members of BJP said, "As per the Hindu tradition, the final step during the last rites is the 'Asthi Visargan'. Hence, BJP members collected the abandoned 'Asthi' from 6-7 crematoriums and decided to float it away in the Chanod river." After the stagnant photo-op, it was time for some acti