Cricket fans are enjoying the IPL season and look forward to the cricket matches to raise their spirits in these tough times. At the same time, betting for these matches are also on and to stop that, Vadodara Police has been keeping a strict vigil. The Vadodara Rural SOG team has been conducting intensive patrolling in the district and took necessary action to prevent any such illegal activities. On Tuesday night the team received a piece of information about Arvind Kesurbhai Vasava and few others are involved in betting through mobiles and laptops in his house at Sajjan Park Society at Juna Bazaar, Karjan. Based on this information, the team raided the spot and found four persons involved in online cricket betting by downloading the android application of cricket Maza 11 and online link on their mobile and laptop. The team arrested four people - Divyang Rajput, Mittal Panchal, Satish Vasava and Alpesh Thakor all from Vadodara city along with mobiles, laptop, cash and