Manojbhai Patel, a young Sarpanch of Dabhasa village in Padra taluka of Vadodara district has taken a new initiative to protect the villagers from Coronavirus infection. The sarpanch has formed a corona warrior team of the youth in the village to prevent the transmission of corona in Dabhasa village with a population of about 14,000 people. Every member of the gram panchayat has also been included in this team. The sarpanch met with the Corona Warrior team and decided to provide Corona protection kits to about 2,500 houses in the village to prevent the infection. Sarpanch Manojbhai Patel said that there are about 2,500 houses in their village and for which about 2,800 corona protection kits have been prepared. The kit has five masks, two Dettol soaps, and two bottles of sanitizer and has been distributed by the Corona Warrior team for the past eight days. Stating that the distribution will continue for two more days and guide each family about how to use the materials provided in the