Nehal Rathwa, a physiotherapy student at Neotech institute and an intern at the Gotri Hospital, passed away on Thursday late at night after battling COVID for three days. Subsequently, the intern doctors at SSG hospital and elsewhere have joined in to protest the alleged institutionalized exploitation of physiotherapy students all over Vadodara. Nehal Rathwa, an intern at the COVID ward, had pre-conditions of hyperthyroidism and diabetes type 1. Yet, a student with such implications had been allocated COVID duties at the Gotri Hospital. Reena Shah, the acting HOD of Physiotherapy at SSG, in an interview with Our Vadodara, said, "Before allotting, we missed to check her for any pre-existing conditions. However, we have now started to check students for any conditions before posting them." The students have also levied allegations of mishandling of the patient by the hospital. One of the interns at SSG and a close friend to Nehal Rathwa said, "She was admitted to the hospital at 2:30 P