Ketan Inamdar, BJP MLA from Savli in Vadodara district, has written a letter to Chief Minister Vijay Rupani seeking supply of oxygen and Remdesivir in rural hospitals. He also requested to take back the decision to stop supply of oxygen after dividing the Vadodara city and Rural hospitals into categories. In addition, he also mentioned in the letter about the black marketing of remedisivir injection. In a letter to CM Rupani, Ketan Inamdar said that the BJP government in Center and Gujarat are doing an important job in the current corona pandemic, which includes public awareness campaign about safety measures and vaccination. But at present the Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) has stated in a notification to stop the supply of oxygen to certain urban and rural hospitals by dividing them into categories. He further said that discussions are underway to reduce the number of beds in hospitals. Oxygen beds have been prepared at Savli and Desar by the government and charitable organiz