The Sarpanch of Lasundra village, yesterday, "harassed" and "threatened" the President of Pathshala Hostel to withdraw their motor from a nearby well. Juin Dutta, President of the hostel, alleged that the cut-off in water supply has been due to their FIR against a village resident for molesting a minor from their hostel. In the captured videos, the Sarpanch can be seen directing the hostel administration to remove their motor from the village well. Juin Dutta said, "The motor had been functional since 2017. However, the Sarpanch came to remove the motor when we filed a case of molestation against one of the village dwellers." The case that Juin Dutta refers to is the alleged molestation of an eight-year-old girl by one of the employees at a hair salon in Lasundra village. The hostel administration had filed an FIR against the accused on March 20 at the Bhadarva Police Station, citing the same. According to Juin Dutta, the Panchayat Committee had come to their doorsteps the next day