Congress State President Amit Chavda on Wednesday visited Corona patients at Sayaji Hospital in Vadodara and reviewed the medical treatment and facilities. Later while addressing a press conference, he said that the current disaster in Gujarat is a government-made disaster. A state like Gujarat has not been able to create an oxygen system, and 80 people have died in the last 3 days due to lack of oxygen in the cities and villages. This is not due to any illness but due to mismanagement of the government. This is a crime of intentional homicide, so a crime of manslaughter shall be registered against the government. Attacking BJP, Amit Chavda said that the WHO had issued guidelines and warnings at an early stage, and the Namaste Trump program was carried out ignoring it. The BJP rulers have not made any preparations or arrangements in 13 months and have held political celebrations and festivities. People are dying every day because of government mismanagement. He further said that Vado